FYI Grandparenting Stats


• The average age of Canadian grandparents has jumped from 65 to 68 in a single generation. And the number of grandparents over 85 has nearly tripled since 1995.

• Life expectancy has increased so much that an average 65-year-old today can expect to live 22.1 more years if she’s a woman, and 19.3 years if he’s a man.

• Seniors comprise twice as big a slice of the work force today (14 per cent) than they did in 2003.

• Grandparents have fewer grandkids (down to four from five, since the 1990s), and have them later. But grandparents get to know their grandkids (and vice versa) way better, and for way longer.

Source: Globe & Mail

Sue Fast
Sue Fast
Sue Fast is the editor of Island Parent, Grand and ’Tweens & Teens magazines. Her writing has also appeared in Canadian Living and Vancouver magazines, the Georgia Straight and Monday Magazine.