What is creativity? Some feel it’s a characteristic that some people have and others don’t. We either become inspired and choose to display our imagination on paper or canvas or we don’t.
At GRAND we choose to believe that there is creativity inside each of us. Whether you express that through a traditional art form like painting or theatre or more subtly by cultivating a gorgeous garden or cooking the perfect meal, we each possess the ability to create “something new and valuable.”
Maybe you are creating a healthier you by taking care of your body inside and out. Perhaps you are manifesting positive thinking and better mental health by flipping your perspective. What about working towards a better life for someone else by volunteering your time to a cause you are passionate about? Or creating a sense of serenity in your life with a relaxing vacation that you have been putting off for years.
These are all ways you are using your creativity to bring about a better life for yourself and those around you. In these cases, the “something new and valuable” that you have created is a healthier, happier you!
Let us help you on your journey of creation through the pages of this magazine.
Now turn the page and get creating!
Do you have a story idea for us? Share it with us by emailing [email protected].