Choosing Books for Children & Teens

When faced with the sea of possibilities in choosing children’s books, there are a few basics you should consider to help you evaluate the quality and suitability of a book. Here from the Canadian...

Lessons Learned from Homeschooling

“Grampa? Whatcha doing?”It was my granddaughter, Randi, standing behind me as I read the latest instalment of Frazz on the GoComics website.“Um, I was just working,” I replied.“Doesn’t look like work,” she said with...

Who’s the Boss?

I’ve always had a good relationship with my 7-year-old grandson. Along with his other grandparents, I’ve played an integral role in his life from the day he was born. But I’ve noted a definite...

‘Grand’ Feelings

It was July 2020, smack dab in the middle of lockdown, when I received a call from my daughter announcing she was pregnant. Lexy and her husband, Andrew, had just purchased a home—in Oregon....

A Little Kindness Goes a Long Way

Many years ago, when my sons were in grade school, much to their displearsure, I ran an errand after picking them up at the end of the school day. All they wanted to do...

Sleep Solutions for Grandkid Sleepovers

The day has come when Mom and Dad need a break. Grandparents having been anticipating and looking forward to the day where they can have their grandbaby overnight. So much excitement in the air...

The Multi-Generational Bucket List

Made famous by the Hollywood movie of the same name, The Bucket List has become much more than a pre-death to-do list. As a tool for the entire family, the multi-generational goal list—a collaborative...

Letters to Seniors

Letters to Seniors supports isolated seniors with encouraging, meaningful handwritten letters sent by volunteers of all ages. The program consists of two phases:Phase One: Volunteers of all ages send drawings/short cheerful cards/letters to seniors.Phase Two:...