So You Want to Be a Grandparent?!

A no-nonsense job descriptionThere really ought to be a job description for grandparenting so people know exactly what they're getting into. Sure, we've all been parents, so we've done this before, right? But I'm...

The Importance of Building Community

A sense of belonging. As a basic principle of human nature, this is a feeling we all want to have, no matter what age we are. Life often passes quicker than we anticipate. Feelings...

Gifts for Nature-loving Grandkids

Did you get “the talk” yet from your child? It's when they express only zero-waste, plastic-free, fair-trade and non-toxic gifts are okay for the grandkids!Youth today are inheriting a wounded world. And many of...

Q&A: Dr. Allison Rees

Dr. Allison Rees has been a fixture on the Parent Education circuit since the early 90s, speaking to tens of thousands of parents and professionals over the years at engagements across the Island. Along...

A Grandparent’s Q&A

Questions for My Grandmother/Grandfather (Insight Editions) poses 150 engaging questions—some silly, some serious, all genuine—to encourage grandkids of all ages to approach conversations with their grandparent in a fresh new way. Questions are inclusive...

How to Talk to Your Grandkids About World Events

Let’s face it, the last couple of years have been less than ideal.The COVID pandemic came out of nowhere to stun the world. Most of us found ourselves wearing surgical masks, obsessively washing and...

Cultivating Wonder

If a child is to keep alive his inborn sense of wonder, he needs the companionship of at least one adult who can share it, rediscovering with him the joy, excitement, and mystery of...

Savour, Don’t Save

Author Erma Bombeck wrote humorous and insightful essays about family life. One has particular meaning for me. In it, looking back on her life, she recalls with regret a pretty candle, never lit, that...