Sharing Through Cooking

Though I grew up far from my grandparents, I was adopted by an elderly neighbour when I was eight years old. I would go over to her house on the weekend and we would...

Make the Most of Mealtimes

If you have ever watched babies eating their first foods, it’s clear that eating is about more than just nutrition. It is about smelling, feeling, tasting and experiencing the food for all its sensory...

Simple Pleasures

I recently baked a birthday cake with my four-year-old grandson, and after we had iced it, I offered one of the beaters to him. Because he has always been on a sugar-restricted diet, he...

Summer Treats

The secret ingredient of grandparent superpowerA little storyI’ll always remember the first time I tried dark chocolate. Until that day, I always thought that the only chocolate worth eating was milk chocolate and that...