Slow Down Kids Playing

With the school year ending and travel restrictions starting to ease, a new BCAA survey reveals that many British Columbians are worried that increased traffic and more kids playing outside could be a recipe...

Move Well & Age Gracefully

Exercise keeps us physically fit so that we can go about our daily life with more ease. Its effects go way beyond the surface; they extend to other areas of the body as well.Exercise...

Running Your First 10k

Starting to run can be daunting, but it’s one of the most rewarding activities you can do. Not only that, but it’s low cost and easy to do anywhere you are. Just lace up...

Self-Management BC

Self-Management BC offers free health programs for British Columbians online, by telephone, and by mail. The programs are for adults of all ages living with one or more ongoing health conditions and there is...

Make the Most of Mealtimes

If you have ever watched babies eating their first foods, it’s clear that eating is about more than just nutrition. It is about smelling, feeling, tasting and experiencing the food for all its sensory...

Grandparents these Days

Not only are grandparents keeping up with their grandchildren these days, they’re often setting the pace.Hike up Mt. Finlayson, grandkids in tow?No problem.Cycle the Galloping Goose?Love to!Skydive over the Cowichan Valley?You betcha!Er, okay, maybe...

Fun Things to Do with Your Grandkids

Pack a Picnic. Kids love getting involved, so harness that enthusiasm to create a special picnic. Baking cookies or muffins, making sandwiches, or making lemonade, not to mention helping to clean up afterwards...

Keeping Gramma Company

Freshly home from hospital following day surgery, I am nestled in bed surrounded by pillows and tissues and cups of tea, and just dozing off when the doorbell rings.“Hallooooo…????” It is my daughter, dropping...